Toyota Denso Petrol 3

Производитель: BitEdit
Модель: Toyota Denso Petrol 3
Активируем за 24 часа (как правило, 1-2 часа)
10 000 ₽
Будет начислено бонусных баллов: 100
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Модуль позволяет производить настройку систем управления дизельным двигателем объемом 3.0, 3.3 и 3.5 литра автомобилей Toyota, Lexus с блоками управления Denso 89661-xxxxx и процессорами 76F00XX. На данный момент поддерживаются следующие калибровки: угол опережения зажигания для высокого и низкого качества топлива, минимальный угол, коррекции угла, фазы распредвалов для VVT, карты обогащения и коррекции впрыска, управление дроссельной заслонкой, запрошенный момент по педали, а также тарировки всех основных датчиков.

На данный момент поддерживаются следующие карты:
Air calculation: Calculated air load from requested torque, Mass air flow pulsations factor
Automatic transmission downshift conditions: Output Speed vs Throttle in different mode
Automatic transmission: torque converter: Output Speed vs Throttle Normal in different mode apply, Output Speed vs Throttle Normal in different mode release, Torque converter in different mode apply, Torque converter in different mode release
Automatic transmission: torque converter flex: Output Speed vs Throttle Normal in different mode apply, Output Speed vs Throttle Normal in different mode release, Output Speed vs Throttle Sport in different mode apply, Output Speed vs Throttle Sport in different mode release, Toyota Temporary Curve
Automatic transmission: upshift conditions: Output Speed vs Throttle in different mode
Exhaust temperature model: Calculated exhaust temperature, Exhaust temperature offset for spark retardation , Exhaust temperature offset for vehicle speed, Maximal exhaust temperature for engine protection, Minimal exhaust temperature for engine protection
Fuel: enrichment: Injection time correction factor by load, Injector dead time, Minimal injection time, Minimal injection time when fault is stored
Idle speed: Desired idle speed at P/N, Desired idle speed in drive, Idle spark advance in gear, Idle spark advance P/N
Limiters: Engine speed limitation, Vehicle speed limitation
Sensor scaling: Intake air temperature correction factor for mass air flow, Mass air flow sensor scaling
Spark advance: Difference for idle spark advance from base, Minimal spark advance, Spark advance base, Spark advance delta for efficiency, Spark advance base efficiency, Spark advance base high/low octane, Spark advance base minimal temperature correction
Spark advance correction: Spark advance base correction by coolant temperature, Spark advance correction for VVT, Spark advance base correction high/low octane
Spark advance: knock: Coolant temperature threshold for minimal spark advance correction, Coolant temperature threshold for retardation, Engine speed lower (upper) threshold for retardation, Maximal spark advance retardation, Retardation recovery rate, Spark advance retardation amount, Total retardation limit
Spark advance: minimal: Coolant temperature threshold for minimal spark advance correction, Spark advance minimal base, Spark advance minimal temperature correction
Startup: Startup Time, Startup engine speed adder
Throttle valve: control Maximal throttle position on 1st gear, Maximal throttle position on reverse gear, Throttle valve maximal allowed position request, Throttle valve maximal position, Throttle valve position limitation at different gear, Throttle valve position limitation different load, Throttle valve position limitation on SAP fault
Throttle valve: request: Requested throttle position at different gear
Torque Converter – General: Coolant temperature to disable (enable) hot mode , Oil temperature to enable hot mode , Oil temperature threshold for high coolant temperature enable , Oil temperature threshold to disable hot mode, Oil temperature for high coolant disable
Torque model: Optimal torque, Optimal torque for transmission
VVT: Exhaust camshaft position at full load, Exhaust camshaft position at low throttle, Exhaust camshaft position at high throttle, Exhaust camshaft position base, Intake camshaft position at low throttle, Intake camshaft position at high throttle, Intake camshaft position at full load, Intake camshaft position base
Warm up: Coolant temperature threshold for cold engine, Warm up correction for drive/reverse, Warm up correction for P/N
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Поддерживаемые двигатели :
  • 2JZGE
  • 2GRFE
  • 2GRFSE
  • 3MZFE
  • и др.

В этом модуле формулы пересчета значений пока не найдены, карты представлены как есть. Мы работаем над их поиском и добавим как только это будет возможно! При покупке модуля на счет пользователя добавляются 5 кредитов, которые можно в дальнейшем использовать для оперативного доописания новых версий прошивок, а также других сервисов (в будущем). Обновления описаний для новых версий ПО в рамках модуля бесплатное.

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